

Ma, na, na, na, na, na, na, na…well, it’s my birthday too, yeah!  And my gift to you is a little song that will probably be stuck in your head for the rest of the day.  Yes!!

Birthday’s are incredibly fun in our home because my daughter goes into overdrive trying to make the day super special for the celebrated person.  Her spirit of hospitality is one of the things I adore about her.

This birthday is starting off amazing as the kids have a scheduled day off school.  It always makes me extra happy when they are home!  And that means a bit of sleeping late too. This morning I woke up to decorations…

And flowers.

The cherry on this birthday cake is that I’m heading out tomorrow for a girls trip with just my mom.  As I mentioned here, we don’t get to see each other often and we haven’t done a trip like this in literally FOREVER.  I can’t even tell you how thrilled I am.

Thanks for indulging me with this post and for reading ALL my ramblings.  I’m truly blessed by you!

Have a lovely week!